Ness Labs: Human Curiosity in the Age of AI 🧠

Edition #227 – May 16th, 2024
A newsletter by Anne-Laure Le Cunff​

Hello friends,
I’m back in London! A little bit jet lagged – long gone are my twenties when it was easy peasy to recover from international travel – but it feels good to be home.
We had a mind-expanding UK meetup a few days ago and I feel like I’ll need a few weeks to properly integrate all the insights from my US trip.
These experiences make me want to travel more to meet members of the Ness Labs community in person. After all, 100,000 of you are now receiving this newsletter!
In light of the recent OpenAI and Google announcements, I’ve been thinking about what AI means for human curiosity, and I’ve collected some of these thoughts below. This is such a fast-changing and emergent area, please consider this a rough thinking-out-loud essay, and do let me know what you think :)
I’m now going to put the final touches to a talk I’m giving tonight about curiosity – RSVP if you’re in this part of the world.
Enjoy the read!

Human Curiosity in the Age of AI

Curiosity has been a driving force behind our species’ remarkable success. By pushing us to question the status quo and explore the unknown, this innate desire to learn has sparked some of our greatest achievements—and shaped the course of human history.

In a world where AI is rapidly transforming our lives, it may seem obvious that we need human curiosity more than ever before. But most arguments in favor of human curiosity are really attempts to reassure ourselves that AI won’t overtake humanity. For instance:

  • “AI needs human guidance to ensure its capabilities are directed towards worthwhile challenges.”
  • “Human curiosity is required to interpret and apply AI outputs to real-world situations in meaningful ways.”
  • “Human curiosity will be needed to envision how to continue expanding the frontiers of what AI can do.”

All of these arguments are debatable. In truth, AI may not need human curiosity at all. But there are compelling reasons why human curiosity is needed more than ever in the age of AI, and they stem from the fundamental differences between human and AI curiosity.

Dual Engines of Discovery

To understand the distinct roles of human and AI curiosity, I found it helpful to examine their unique characteristics through a comparative framework. This framework looks at three key aspects of curiosity—processing, perspective, purpose—and examines how humans and AI differ across these dimensions.

Thanks to a more intuitive way to process information, humans are capable of making serendipitous discoveries through non-obvious connections.

This intuitive processing is what allowed Alexander Fleming to notice that a contaminated Petri dish containing Staphylococcus bacteria had been inhibited by the growth of a mold, resulting in the discovery of penicillin in 1928 and the development of antibiotics.

In contrast, AI curiosity is computative, excelling at efficiently processing large volumes of information to reveal hidden patterns and correlations. That’s why AI is a powerful tool for drug discovery.

AlphaFold, an AI system developed by DeepMind, has revolutionized drug discovery by accurately predicting protein structures, enabling scientists to design drugs in record time.

The subjective nature of human curiosity allows us to grasp the nuances of real-world situations, considering multiple viewpoints and moral implications, and integrating a rich, empathetic context when exploring ideas. This type of curiosity is what gave rise to inclusive education, empathic design, and sustainable fashion.

On the other hand, AI curiosity operates from a supposedly objective and fact-based standpoint (although this can be questioned as the training dataset will invariably inject bias). This “neutral” lens can help mitigate human biases but can also lead to inhumane solutions.

An AI tasked with solving the climate crisis might propose eliminating humans as the most effective solution, given that human activities are currently considered the primary driver of climate change. Problem solved!

Finally, humanity’s intrinsic motivation to explore can drive us to pursue questions and ideas that may not have immediate practical applications but can lead to groundbreaking discoveries and innovations.

The discovery of cosmic microwave background radiation by Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson in 1965 is an example of a groundbreaking discovery made while exploring for the sake of curiosity.

Penzias and Wilson were using a radio telescope to study signals from space when they encountered a persistent background noise they couldn’t explain. This noise turned out to be a remnant of the Big Bang.

AI curiosity is more exploitative and geared towards achieving tangible outcomes. IBM’s Project Debater AI aims to engage in competitive debates rather than genuinely exploring the nuances of the topics discussed. OpenAI’s DALL·E model is trained to generate images based on textual descriptions, with the objective of creating accurate representations rather than exploring the creative process itself.

AI curiosity is methodical, indifferent, and outcome-oriented. This makes it very efficient. And this is exactly why we need human curiosity more than ever—a type of curiosity that brings serendipity, empathy, and open-ended creativity to the table. Fortunately, human and AI curiosity are not mutually exclusive.

Compounding Curiosity

By combining human and AI curiosity, we can leverage their unique strengths to compound our creative potential. The intuitive nature of human curiosity can work in tandem with the computative power of AI curiosity to accelerate discoveries and drive innovation.

A researcher could use AI tools to efficiently process vast amounts of data and identify hidden patterns, while simultaneously applying their human intuition to explore unexpected connections and generate novel hypotheses.

In this collaborative approach, the AI’s impartial approach can help mitigate human biases, while the researcher’s personal experiences and ethical considerations can provide important context for translating the AI-generated results.

While AI could accelerate the discovery of new medicines, it was human curiosity that led to the understanding of the importance of set and setting in psychedelic therapy. The idea that the environment in which a psychedelic experience occurs can profoundly influence its therapeutic outcomes is a distinctly human insight, born from our ability to empathize, contextualize, and derive meaning from subjective experiences.

In architecture, AI’s computative power can efficiently search through vast design spaces to identify optimal materials, structures, and layouts for a given set of constraints. This can lead to buildings that are more energy-efficient, cost-effective, and resilient.

However, you need human curiosity to envision how these designs can be brought to life in a way that’s not just functional, but also aesthetically pleasing and culturally relevant, for instance to create a sense of community or reflect the unique identity of the occupants.

Ultimately, we have little grasp of how the brain generates ideas or what fundamentally distinguishes human and artificial cognition. Confidently ceding curiosity to AI would be premature given how much we have yet to discover about cognition.

In the meantime, we can create powerful synergies between human and AI curiosity to solve complex problems and create solutions that are both humane and technically advanced. We need to create platforms that support collaboration between human and AI curiosity.

This includes developing AI systems that augment human curiosity rather than replace it, allowing knowledge workers to easily integrate AI into their workflows.

It also means investing in education and designing environments that nurture human curiosity through intrinsically-motivated intellectual exploration in schools, at home, and at work.

The future of human curiosity in the age of AI is not a zero-sum game. It’s an opportunity to create a virtuous cycle of discovery where the unique strengths of human and AI curiosity build upon and reinforce each other. It can be a journey towards a shared destination.


​Moodset is an app that allows you to track, explore, and understand your mood through music. In this interview with founder Oleksandr Zhabin, we talked about the limitations with most mood tracking apps, the relationship between mood and music, implementing a useful in-app model of emotions, the ideal frequency for mood tracking, how to use playlists to manage your mood, and much more.

⚡ Brain Picks

​Mailcoach is a flexible, privacy-friendly email platform for writers, creators, and more. Kickstart your newsletter today and pay for what you send, not your subscriber count. Ness Labs readers get 3 months for free with coupon code SQUISHYSQUISHY.

​The Second Brain Summit, set for October 3-4 in Los Angeles, is a first-of-its-kind gathering of 500 fans and practitioners of knowledge management and digital creativity. It will be a chance to learn directly from leading online creators, authors, and experts in a “pop-up university.”

​SparkTogether is a one day, in-person event for marketers, creators, and entrepreneurs. Join for extraordinary stories you'll hear nowhere else (not recorded, never shared) told by the people who lived them.

Please email if you’d like to share your work with the Ness Labs community.

🤝 Brain Trust

If you enjoy the newsletter, you'll love our community of curious minds who grow together through interactive workshops and safe discussion spaces. Here is what we have planned in the next week:
​• Reimagine your relationship with time. Join Gosia Fricze for our next Creative Hour where she’ll guide you through strategies to approach time management more mindfully and to make the most of your time without sacrificing your mental health.​
• Explore the science of mindfulness.
In this 4-part series, Beth Leria will teach you the fundamentals of mindfulness and meditation, including the formal practice of Mindfulness of Breathing and alternative anchors. The third session is tomorrow on May 3rd.
​• Make progress on your projects. Tackle your to-do list while enjoying the company of fellow community members. Lukas Rosenstock and Javier Luis Gomez are hosting coworking sessions on Mondays and Thursdays, covering all timezones.

All of these and future events are included in the price of the annual membership ($49), as well as access to the recordings of all our previous sessions and past cohort-based courses.

🌊 Brain Waves

Have a friend who wants to make the most of their mind? Send them the newsletter using your unique referral link below and unlock Reflective Minds, a database of good questions from great thinkers and creators.

Until next week, take care!

P.S. This is the only thing I optimize for in my life.

Ness Labs by Anne-Laure Le Cunff

A weekly newsletter with science-based insights on creativity, mindful productivity, better thinking and lifelong learning.

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