Ness Labs: The Doing Deficit ⭕

Edition #242 – October 3rd, 2024
A newsletter by Anne-Laure Le Cunff

Hello friends,
I’m writing this from Los Angeles, which I’d been told was always sunny but is actually very foggy. I’m at the Second Brain Summit today and tomorrow, and then hosting a little in-person meetup in DTLA on Saturday – please come say hello if you’re around.
As I met the other speakers yesterday at dinner, all I could think about was how fortunate I was to get to meet with so many curious minds. And then, I noticed what all the people in this room had in common. Not the fact that they were smarter or more creative than others, but the fact that they had put in many, many hours of deliberate practice into their craft, whether it was writing, filming, coaching, or coding.
We know we should “put in the reps”, and yet, we struggle to commit and stick to it. In this edition, you’ll learn why that is, and what you can do about it, so you can master that skill you care about.
P.S. Only two weeks left before the Behind the Book walkthrough on Oct 18 where I’ll explain the entire journey of writing my book, including the discarded titles, book covers, and the proposal that led to an 8-way auction!

The Doing Deficit

Stephen King didn’t become a bestselling author by reading about writing—he became one by writing every single day. The same applies to many successful people across various fields.

They didn’t just gather information—they took deliberate action, committing to daily practice that helped them refine their skills.

Yet, so many of us continue to endlessly collect information while avoiding actual practice. Why?

In truth, most of us don’t suffer from a knowledge deficit—we suffer from a doing deficit. We take online courses and read books but rarely apply what we learn.

The hard part isn’t learning what to do; it’s doing what we already know. So how can we shift from passive thinking to active doing?

Why We Resist Deliberate Practice

“Deliberate practice occurs when an individual intentionally repeats an activity in order to improve performance,” explains psychologist Guillermo Campitelli. Research shows that deliberate practice is necessary to master new skills, and that it takes about 3,000 hours of deliberate practice to reach an intermediate level of proficiency in a skill.

Deliberate practice isn’t just about putting in time; it’s about challenging yourself at the edge of your abilities. In addition, many skills are cumulative—you need to master the basics before moving onto more advanced topics.

However, understanding deliberate practice is one thing; actually doing it is another. Why is it so difficult to move from thinking to doing?

• Lack of immediate results. Deliberate practice can be slow and repetitive because you need to drill the same content over and over again in order to solidify the new connections in your brain. Although the fact that you’re struggling is actually a good sign, it can feel frustrating and make you want to quit.

• Discomfort with uncertainty. Deliberate practice involves venturing into the unknown. Unlike consuming content, which is relatively comfortable, practicing forces you to confront potential setbacks which you cannot predict.

• Fear of failure. When you start deliberately practicing, you will inevitably struggle and make mistakes. This can be demoralizing, leading you to retreat back into the safer territory of passive learning and thinking.

These challenges aren’t just theoretical—they’re deeply emotional in nature, and that’s why they often prevent us from committing to real, tangible practice even though we know at a rational level that we need to actually practice what we study.

Practice over Perfection

It’s easy to consume more information and convince ourselves that we’re making progress. But knowledge alone isn’t enough to build new skills. You need to take action. As Thomas Sterner, author of The Practicing Mind, puts it: “Progress is a natural result of staying focused on the process of doing anything.”

• Writing a book. In addition to reading about the best strategies from published authors to write a book, commit to writing one page every day.

• Learning a new language. Don’t just explore blog posts from polyglots; also sign up to a service that allows you to practice with a native speaker.

• Getting in shape. Once you’re done watching a few videos from fitness coaches to study the most effective routines, block time in your calendar to actually put these into practice.

• Learning how to code. Instead of just reading tutorials, commit to code something new every day.

So how do you actually move from passive learning to active doing? Here are five practical strategies:

1. Start small. Choose one small action you can commit to. Rather than focusing on a huge task (like “write a novel”), narrow the scope of the action to something manageable, like “write 200 words a day.” The key is to make the commitment small enough that you won’t be tempted to skip it, but meaningful enough to build momentum.

2. Focus on the process. Don’t choose goals that are outcome-based like “become fluent in a language” or “get in shape.” Instead, direct your energy towards the process itself. The only goal is to show up consistently and to enjoy the journey. The reward is in the daily act of showing up, not in reaching a specific destination.

3. Track your progress. Just like a scientist, keep a journal of your practice sessions. Document what you did, how it felt, and what you learned. This will help you notice patterns and incremental improvements over time.

4. Embrace discomfort. Accept that mistakes are part of the process. When you feel resistance, lean into it—it’s a sign you’re pushing your limits. It’s often in those moments of discomfort that you’ll experience creative flow.

5. Find accountability. Tag team with someone who can help hold you accountable. Whether it’s a friend, a mentor, or an online community, having someone check in on your progress can help keep you on track even when things get hard.

Ultimately, solving the doing deficit is about answering this question: Are you willing to practice deliberately even when it’s uncomfortable? And, one step further: can you find satisfaction in the discomfort?

It requires welcoming failure and trusting that, over time, those small efforts will compound into meaningful progress.

It means showing up every day, even when progress feels slow, and enjoying the slow process of mastering something new—finding joy is in the act of doing, not in reaching a specific destination.


Granola is an AI notepad designed for people in back-to-back meetings. It transcribes your meeting, takes your raw notes, and enhances them so you can turn your meetings to work. In this interview with founder Chris Pedregal, we talked about the added friction of traditionally-managed meetings, the benefits of AI note-taking during meetings, why bots are awkward in video calls, how we might work alongside AI in the future, and much more.

🤝 Brain Trust

If you enjoy the newsletter, you'll love our community of curious minds who grow together through interactive workshops and safe discussion spaces. Here is preview of what’s happening in the next few weeks:

• Inject creativity in your daily life. Join a one-hour interactive Creative Hour session on Monday, Oct 7 where you will learn how to develop better creative routines and find inspiration in the mundane.
• Join a coworking session. Tackle your to-do list while connecting with fellow community members. Fellow community members are hosting sessions on Mondays, Thursdays, and Sundays covering all timezones.
• Conduct a weekly review. Reflect on your progress for the week and plan your next projects during our community weekly review.
• Improve your productivity and creativity. Take one of our self-paced courses to help you make the most of your mind, with exclusive worksheets and exercises, all from the comfort of our online community.

All of these and future events are included in the price of the annual membership ($49), as well as access to the recordings of all our previous sessions and a growing collection of case studies.

🌊 Brain Waves

Have a friend who wants to make the most of their mind? Send them the newsletter using your unique referral link below and unlock Reflective Minds, a database of good questions from great thinkers and creators.

Until next week, take care!

P.S. What’s your go-to solution when you feel creatively stuck? Here’s mine.

Ness Labs by Anne-Laure Le Cunff

A weekly newsletter with science-based insights on creativity, mindful productivity, better thinking and lifelong learning.

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