Ness Labs: The Yes Autopilot 🧑‍✈️

Edition #244 – October 17th, 2024
A newsletter by Anne-Laure Le Cunff​

Hello friends,
The great thing about following your curiosity is that you’ll discover many new opportunities. Someone might want to pick your brain, which could turn into a consultancy. You might attend an event and end up joining a community, or share a video about an interesting idea and be invited to speak on a podcast.
Or you might become known for having a certain level of expertise on a topic, and your colleagues will keep asking you for help.
While it feels good to be helpful, you might find yourself, after a while, struggling to find time or energy for your own priorities. I keep saying “you,” but of course, as with all the topics in this newsletter, this is something I’ve struggled with too.
So this week we’ll talk about the Yes Autopilot, why it happens to us, and how we can break free from it by setting and actually enforcing our boundaries. Enjoy the read!
— Anne-Laure.
P.S. The Behind the Book walkthrough and Q&A session is tomorrow, Friday, Oct 18th! Make sure to pre-order your copy of Tiny Experiments and submit your receipt here before midnight today to get access to it, exclusively for early supporters. If you pre-ordered but cannot make it, you’ll receive the recording.

I’ll share absolutely EVERYTHING I learned, from the book proposal to testing titles and cover designs, including a cut excerpt that didn’t make it into the final book — content that was deemed “too intense” and no one else will see. I can’t wait to see you there.

The Yes Autopilot

Have you ever found yourself saying yes to something, even when deep down you knew you didn’t have the time or energy?

Many of us struggle with setting boundaries. It can feel like we’re stuck on a “Yes Autopilot”, automatically agreeing to requests without fully considering the consequences.

Over time, this can leave us feeling exhausted and frustrated, wondering why we never seem to have enough time for the things that really matter.

Setting boundaries is hard. From an early age, we’re taught to be kind, helpful, and generous. And while these are admirable traits, they can make it difficult to say no when someone asks for help. As a result, we often end up prioritizing others’ needs over our own, even when it comes at a personal cost.

Why We Keep Saying Yes

By constantly saying yes, you can find ourselves stuck in a cycle of overcommitment. Yet, despite the negative effects, many of us struggle with setting clear boundaries. Why?

Here are five common reasons why we keep saying yes:

• Social conditioning. We tend to link our identity with our achievements. Helping someone means you’re valuable, being available means you’re a good friend, organizing a work event means you’re a team player.

• Perfectionism. We often want to bring our absolute best to everyone and everything we set out to do, and as a result we’d rather try to manage the extra stress rather than let someone else down.

• Upbringing. If you grew up in an environment where boundaries weren’t respected or encouraged as a child, you may struggle to establish them as an adult.

• Lack of focus. When we’re unsure of our own priorities, saying yes to everything can give us the illusion of productivity, even though it leaves little room for what truly matters.

• FOMO. The fear of missing out often drives us to overcommit. What if something exciting happens while you’re not there? What if others bond without you? The fear of missing out often drives us to overcommit.

Saying yes too often can drain your mental energy and leave you without the focus needed to pursue your own ambitions. Eventually, this can lead to burnout and even resentment toward the very people we agreed to help, blaming them for your own lack of productivity.

We end up feeling stuck—busy but unfulfilled, always moving but never truly progressing. We might even start ruminating, avoiding other people, overthinking everything. Although it’s rooted in a genuine need for human connection and being valued, the Yes Autopilot is unsustainable.

How to set boundaries

A boundary is like an invisible line that defines what is and isn’t acceptable in your life. And while these lines aren’t fixed—often shifting depending on your priorities, relationships, or mental states—they’re essential for protecting your time and energy.

Recognizing when and where to draw these lines takes time and practice, but it’s well worth the effort. Research suggests that better boundaries mean better self-esteem, more mental energy, and a stronger sense of personal agency.

Here are four simple steps you can take to start setting better boundaries and break free from the Yes Autopilot:

1. Define your priorities. Start by identifying what truly matters to you at the moment. Is it your family? Your career? Your health? Once you’re clear on your current priorities, it’s easier to see where you need to draw boundaries. For instance, if saving money is important because you’re starting a business, it might mean saying no to expensive social outings. If finishing a project is your priority, it may mean declining non-essential requests for help.

2. Take a step back. When someone asks for your time, pause before agreeing. Ask yourself if this aligns with your priorities or if someone else could assist them. Is the request urgent or important? Often, you’ll realize the request isn’t as critical as it first seems. It’s okay to say you’ll help later, once your own tasks are complete—or to say no altogether.

3. Get comfortable with saying no. Of course, it’s easier said than done. But saying no doesn’t mean being rude, and it becomes easier with practice. You can even write down one liners to re-use whenever you’re in such a situation, such as “I would love to help, but I currently have a lot on my plate and won’t be able to give this the attention it deserves.”

4. Don’t over explain. Keep your responses brief and to the point. You don’t need to give a lengthy justification for why you can’t help. Most people will respect your honesty and understand that you have your own responsibilities to manage.

If someone reacts negatively to your boundaries, remember that their response reflects more about them than it does about you. They probably have lots to deal with, but it’s not your job to manage other people’s emotions.

However, if it’s someone you’re close to and it happens all the time, it may be useful to have a calm conversation to reset their expectations and make your relationship healthier. If it’s a one-time ask and the person acts rude when you say no, just ignore it, move on, and focus on your own priorities.

Learning to set boundaries isn’t about being selfish—it’s about looking after yourself. By protecting your time, energy, and mental well-being, you make room for the things that truly matter to you.

Breaking free from the Yes Autopilot allows you to show up more fully for the people and tasks that align with your priorities, rather than spreading yourself too thin. It’s not easy, but it’s a journey worth taking.

⚡ Brain Picks

• is rewriting the project management playbook for product teams. From organizing backlogs to keeping specs current with ongoing scope changes, Height handles all the manual legwork, so you can focus on building. Explore autonomous project management today with Height.

• Growthschool gives you 200+ hours of research on 25+ AI tools, prompting techniques and hacks packed in a solid 3 hour masterclass. Join 1 Million+ people in automating 50% of their tasks, save 20+ hours weekly, earn up to $10k with AI strategies, and streamline research with a 24/7 assistant. Register today (free for first people 100 only).

• creates neuroscience-powered music that boosts focus, relaxation, or sleep when you hit play. Proven to increase focus brainwaves by 119% in 5 minutes. Join 1 million+ users to unlock your brain’s potential.

Many thanks to our sponsors for supporting the newsletter. Want to feature your product here? Email 💌

🤝 Brain Trust

If you enjoy the newsletter, you'll love our community of curious minds who grow together through interactive workshops and safe discussion spaces. Here is preview of what’s happening in the next week:
​• Design a creative system. Join a one-hour interactive Creative Hour session on Monday, Oct 21 where you will learn explore ways to maintain structure and flexibility, and strategies for nurturing your creativity.
​• Join a coworking session. Tackle your to-do list while connecting with fellow community members. Fellow community members are hosting sessions on Mondays, Thursdays, and Sundays covering all timezones.
​• Start your book writing journey. Discover the entire journey of writing my book, including the discarded titles, book covers, and the proposal that led to an auction, and ask all your questions in the Behind the Book walkthrough on Friday, Oct 18 (tomorrow).
​• Conduct a weekly review. Reflect on your progress for the week and plan your next projects during our community weekly review using Plus Minus Next.
​• Improve your productivity and creativity. Take one of our self-paced courses to help you make the most of your mind, with exclusive worksheets and exercises, all from the comfort of our online community.

All of these and future events are included in the price of the annual membership ($49), as well as access to the recordings of all our previous sessions and a growing collection of case studies.

🌊 Brain Waves

Have a friend who wants to make the most of their mind? Send them the newsletter using your unique referral link below and unlock Reflective Minds, a database of good questions from great thinkers and creators.

Until next week, take care!

P.S. Here are five attitudes we could emulate from kids’ innate curiosity.

Ness Labs by Anne-Laure Le Cunff

A weekly newsletter with science-based insights on creativity, mindful productivity, better thinking and lifelong learning.

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